VERY IMPORTANT: if you encounter any problems while proceeding in accordance with the procedure or you notice that the current version of the portal does not correspond to the description, please report it to QCG Team or Tomasz Piontek.
IMPORTANT: The Eagle cluster is a part of the Polish National Grid Infrastructure called “PLGrid, so to get access to it user needs to follow the PLGrid procedure.
I'm really sorry that there is no English translation of the Portal.
To create an account and to get access to PLGrid infrastructure please follow the procedure below:
1. please go the PLGrid Portal -
2. You will be redirected to the log-in page. At the bottom of the log-in page please click “Nie masz konta? Zarejestruj sie” (Don't have an account? Register)
3. Fill in the questionnaire:
4. Go to the bottom of the page and continue …
5. Press the green button “Wyslij formularz rejestracyjny” to submit a registration form.
Go to the mailing box you provided during the registration and confirm the registration by clicking the first link in the mail you got. The line with the confirmation link starts with: “Prosimy o potwierdzenie danych poprzez kliknięcie w ten link: <LINKK TO CLICK>”.
IMPORTANT The link is active for 48 hours, then you have to contact plgrid operator and ask for sending a new one. In such a case you can ask me (Tomasz Piontek) to represent you.
Log in again to the and click “Uslugi” (Services) on the left side
IMPORTANT: The key of the certificate will be encoded with the same password as you have to the PLGrid portal. Previously it was possible to have various passwords for portal and certificate.
IMPORTANT: Proceed this step only if the use of the PLGrid SimpleCA certificate is not suitable for you for some reason and you would like to use the certificate issued by another CA.
To register external certificate in the PLGrid infrastructure please follow the instruction below:
Your certificate should be uploaded to the keyfs service and should appear on site.
IMPORTANT: If you have your certificate as a pair of pem files you can convert them to p12 using the following command:
openssl pkcs12 -export -descert -inkey userkey.pem -in usercert.pem -out usercred.p12 -name “national certificate”
Do not blame us for portal stability and functionality. It was written by Cyfronet team from Cracow.