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Information for Applications' Teams

This webpage provides a basic guidance for the VECMA application developers and/or maintainers.

The VECMA directory

Each resource provides a dedicated directory and disk space for VECMA users. This directory is shared among all VECMA participants.

The locations of VECMA directories on resources

Resource Location MODULEPATH
Eagle /home/plgrid-groups/plggvecma/ /home/plgrid-groups/plggvecma/.qcg-modules
SuperMuc NG

The main VECMA module

In order to simplify usage of VECMA environment, the resources have set up the top-level module for VECMA. This module will configure the common settings for all VECMA participants. The vecma module should be available for users when they run a QCG job (also inside an interactive one), however, in case of regular queuing-system jobs, the $MODULEPATH won't be automatically updated, thus the module won't be visible. Therefore it is advised to add the appropriate command to users' .bashrc. In case of EAGLE cluster the line extending $MODULEPATH should look as follows:

export MODULEPATH=$MODULEPATH:/home/plgrid-groups/plggvecma/.qcg-modules

The vecma module could be loaded with the following command:

module load vecma

When loaded, the module set up the $VECMA_DIR environment variable that points to the shared directory.

The VECMA directory structure

The shared directory $VECMA_DIR has the following structure:

Path Description
$VECMA_DIR/Apps The directory for use by application providers
$VECMA_DIR/Apps/App1 The directory for application App1
$VECMA_DIR/Apps/AppN The directory for application AppN …
$VECMA_DIR/Common Common stuff, possibly useful for more than one team
$VECMA_DIR/.qcg-modules The directory for VECMA Environment Modules

Module naming conventions

The modules created for the VECMA project follow the following scheme:

Module Description
vecma The main module for the VECMA project. Will load basic settings
vecma/apps/App1 The module for a single application (e.g. App1)
vecma/common/Item1 The module for a common software item (e.g. Item1), possibly useful for many teams
apps-dev.1542895570.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/22 14:06 by