WP4 - Applications

Needs and requirements

Application Description Questionnaire

You can find the online questionnaire here and the answers with some analytics here.

Acceptance Use Cases (AUCs)

Below is a possible template for an AUC:

## One-line summary of the AUC
Give a one-line summary.

## Applicable Software Role Required
Choose one or more of:
* Local site management (scheduling / running jobs on a local site)
* Simulated execution software (exascale simulator)
* Cross-site scheduling software
* Cross-site execution software
* local pilot job toolkit.
* Cross-site pilot job toolkit
* Access tools to use the cross-site execution and pilot job software
* Automation tools to automate complex VVUQ / multiscale simulation tasks.
* Coupling tools to couple single scale models.
* The VECMA toolkit
* VVPs and UQPs
* MMSF: Multiscale Modelling and Simulation Framework.
* Applications
* Output analysis and visualization tools.

## Steps in the AUC
Describe what the AUC involves in a brief step-by-step fashion. AUCs typically 
should have < 5 steps, so that they are trivial to test.

## Base requirement for passing the AUC
Formulate what is minimally needed in terms of software functionality to warrant 

## Software fulfilling the AUC requirements
Add the name of known software tools here that have been shown to fulfil the requirements 
(this is done manually for the time being).

## Required files
Either upload them into a subdirectory of "attachments" or provide a URL to 
the relevant required files.

## Other remarks

Once a new AUC has been created (generic or for a given application), please add it in the dedicated project repository: https://github.com/vecma-project/VECMA-AUCs